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Showing posts from March, 2022

Reviewing the 2022 Oscar Best Picture Nominees

    The Oscars are dumb. I was thinking of writing a longer blurb about how dumb they are but I don't want to beat a dead horse. This year's selection is interesting as I either really love or really dislike the nominees, there aren't many that I am just indifferent about. So here, enjoy this thorough roast of various Best Picture nominees and endless gushing about others.    Belfast      Bad. Manipulative. Uninspired. Trite. Kenneth Branagh is not a filmmaker I am fond of at all and he is not swaying me here either. Belfast  feels like a new age of Oscar bait where instead of adapting heartbreaking real-life stories we are now fictionalizing the filmmaker's childhood so that he can say "this is my most personal film yet" in interviews.      Every artistic choice made in Belfast  feels obvious and false; from the black and white cinematography to the jazzy score that does not fit at all, everything feels like it was plucked out of a hat labeled "artistic